PBA is Voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organization founded in 2003 and registered officially in Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) in 24/8/2004 in Khartoum. PBA association was founded as a result for"Youth Peace Building Initiative project funded by Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and implemented by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in partnership with Azza Women Association (AWA) and University of Juba in 2002-2003.
PBAorganization leads the sustainable development process in Sudan through creating a peaceful and harmonious community with the culture of acceptance the other.
P.B.A is devoted to reduce tension and conflicts among Sudanese communities through promotion of situations of local communities including youth, children & women live in difficult circumstances, by introducing lifesaving project, sustainable and durable solutions of humanitarian aid empowerment, development project, capacity building and support in the main sectors of Peace building, Food security & Livelihoods, WASH, Education, Protection and community development.
• To mitigate, resolve and transform conflicts and build peace among the Sudanese communities. • To empower women and improve their living conditions. • To improve education environment and support government efforts to enhance basic education. • To improve water sources, sanitation and hygiene in rural and war-affected areas. • To response to theemergencies and address protection issues. • To contribute for building capacities of youths organizations
aiming to save protection services for effected population emphasizing of vulnerable children, Extreme Vulnerable Individuals (EVIs) at areas affected by armed conflict.such as child protection through family tracing and reunification (FTR) , Psychosocial Support, Cash assistance and construction Child Friendly Space(CFS), in addition to women empowerment and GBV issues.
save access to and improve educational services ( construction and rehabilitation of classrooms, WASH facilities, Capacities building for PTAs andteacher, Recreational activities through child clubs/ peace education at basic schools.
aiming to save protection services for effected population emphasizing of vulnerable children, Extreme Vulnerable Individuals (EVIs) at areas affected by armed conflict.such as child protection through family tracing and reunification (FTR) , Psychosocial Support, Cash assistance and construction Child Friendly Space(CFS), in addition to women empowerment and GBV issues.
raise awareness and training on Peace building, conflict resolution, negotiation, conflict mitigation, conflict transformation, trauma, Reconciliation, coexistence, Alternative to Violence projects (AVP), peaceful communication and Non-violence).
save access to and improve educational services ( construction and rehabilitation of classrooms, WASH facilities, Capacities building for PTAs andteacher, Recreational activities through child clubs/ peace education at basic schools
raise awareness and training on Peace building, conflict resolution, negotiation, conflict mitigation, conflict transformation, trauma, Reconciliation, coexistence, Alternative to Violence projects (AVP), peaceful communication and Non-violence).
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